Pedigrees of unusual historical interest
This page has material on Labradors of personal interest, well-known dogs whose pedigrees nonetheless are generally unknown, some lesser-known Dual Champions, etc. It also includes a pedigree history of early yellows in America, a few early chocolates, and some early recorded instances of nonstandard colours (such as black with brown markings). Information comes primarily from the American Kennel Club Stud Books and performance records, and corrects a great many historical and pedigree errors perpetuated in Helen Warwick's otherwise excellent book, The Complete Labrador Retriever. In most cases I 've provided only a 4-generation pedigree for the sake of legibility, but in a few cases I've indulged in 6 generations. If this is hard to read on your screen, try printing it (if you have a laser printer with less than 2 megs of RAM, you may need to print it one page at a time). A few pedigrees have holes; if you can fill in any blanks, please email me with the information and as much source documentation as possible. Also, we're interested in acquiring photos of these and other old-time dogs (especially obscure gundogs) for a possible future reference book. Feel free to send scanned copies of historical reference photos or pedigree documentation to our attachments address. This section of our site is under continuous construction! |
FTCH Flapper (1902-1914) pictured in 1908. |
Satan III -- Tushai's grandsire. From the heart of the major bloodlines that were prevalent before the high-rolling crowd from Long Island gained prominence.
'55 NFC-AFTC-CFTC Cork of Oakwood Lane The pedigree in general circulation for this famous dog is wrong. This is his correct pedigree.
Kingdale's Belle The correct pedigree for the granddam of NFC Cork of Oakwood Lane.
Faro and his brothers Barnaby of Bryn and Beaver of Bryn, important sires in the late 1920s, from imported parents.
Brocklehirst Floss (full sister to Kinmount Dan, see behind Faro) is usually credited as "the first Labrador recorded by the American Kennel Club," having been registered in 1917. However this is not true -- she was in fact the third that can be positively identified by the stud book records. (There may have been several Labradors before that, or more likely Labrador/Flatcoat interbreds, but they cannot be clearly determined from the pedigree records.) The first definite Labrador registered with AKC was Virginia Vennie, and the second was Virginia Myra, both recorded in 1914. Virginia Vennie has no recorded offspring, but many of the very early working lines trace to a breeding between Virginia Myra and Tony of Whitmore (full brother to the dam of Toi of Whitmore, sire to Tad of Whitmore and grandsire to CH Raffles of Earlsmoor). Warwick credits Brocklehirst Nell as the first Labrador registered by AKC, but so far as can be ascertained by the stud book records, this bitch never came to America at all!!
CH Scarborough Shenka is primarily remembered as the dam of Tops of Bigstone, but appears behind many working pedigrees by way of other offspring.
Dual CH Michael of Glenmere was the first Dual Champion in America.
Dual CH-AFTC Dela-Winn's Tar of Craignook
Much of the history of early titled and pointed yellows is absent from the usual reference books, and what is printed is often wrong. For instance, CH Sandylands Golden Harvester was not the first yellow show Champion in the U.S., but the third!! Despite their importance in their day, most of these early pedigrees have fallen entirely out of history, because the majority of early midwestern yellows were registered with the Field Dog Stud Book rather than the American Kennel Club, and because most were "just gundogs" owned by farmers and hunters, far from the high-rolling crowd who dominated field trials on the East Coast. Information in these pedigrees is taken from AKC Stud Books and titles records, or from data provided by the late Dorothy Howe.
The first positively-identifiable yellow Labrador in the AKC stud books is Kinclaven Lowesby, an imported son of FTCH Hayler's Defender, registered in 1929. However this dog has been missed by other historians because until 1932 all "Retrievers" were lumped together, and since his colour was recorded as "golden" he was assumed to be a Golden Retriever!
The 2nd registered yellow Labrador was the American-bred Caumsett Buddy, recorded in 1930 as being "light buff" in colour.
One cannot judge colour by the dog's registered name. Caumsett Gold was a black dog!
Yellow Show Champions, listed in chronological order by date title was recorded
CH M'Lord Mertland -- the first yellow CH in America (finished 1-43)
CH Kolaneka Mazda -- the 2nd yellow CH (finished 8-44). Brother to Argus Leader, popular sire of working dogs in the upper midwest. Appears behind CH Chidley Almond Crisp, the first CH yellow bitch (and 6th yellow CH overall).
CH Sandylands Golden Harvester -- the 3rd yellow CH (finished 4-48). English import bred by H.Clough, registered with AKC under the ownership of Bill Langenfield in South Dakota.
CH Chevrier's Lion -- finished 7-48. A son of FTC Ming.
CH Tawny Moor -- finished 7-48. Oregon-bred.
Yellow Field Champions, listed in chronological order by date title was recorded
FTC Ming -- the first yellow Field CH in America (finished 4-40). His older sister Betty Brown was also exported to America.
FTC Sand Gold Terry -- finished 11-43. Bred in South Dakota.
FTC Sir Jock -- finished 11-45.
FTC Honey Chile Trixie -- the first Field CH yellow bitch, and the 4th yellow FC overall.
FTC Chevrier's Golden Rod -- linebred son of Argus Leader, bred in South Dakota.
Non-titled dogs with points, obedience titles, and important sires
Carl of Boghurst -- winner of the Labrador Club's first Open stake, and the third yellow Lab recorded by AKC. His dam is a full sister to Itasca Blaze.
Goldie of Goldie Lands -- contrary to Warwick, this bitch had 8 Open points, but no title.
Lorrenden Lulu Duke appears behind some Canadian-bred dogs. 5 Open points.
Neenah Valley Goldie CD -- finished 6-50. By Sand Acres Sparky ex Neenah Valley Bess. FDSB-registered. Full pedigree not presently available.
Timber Tick CD -- finished 6-50. A rare case of an early titled yellow predominantly from what are now thought of as "mainstream" bloodlines.
Itasca Sandy -- a significant sire in the upper midwest.
Itasca Blaze -- another important sire, probably from England.
CFTC Cutbank Bobolink -- an early yellow Canadian Field CH of lines similar to the early American Field CHs, born in 1950.
In the early days, both chocolates and very dark yellows were often registered as "brown". To tell them apart one needs to be familiar with the bloodlines behind each dog, and aware of what colours a given pedigree can produce. Even so, a few cases are ambiguous and must be judged by the existence of known chocolate descendants. In several cases, there is some question as to the actual sire of the litter.
Nearly all early chocolates consistently trace to FTC Banchory Night
Light (probably via Withington Mick and from there possibly to
FTC Peter of Faskally) or Borrisdemain (dam of FTC Hayler's
Defender) and most likely to Munden Sentry and thence to
Buccleuch Avon [pictured right]
who was said to have sired liver-coloured pups,
and appears behind virtually all bloodlines. In the early days, chocolate
puppies were often bucketed as an "off" colour; if it weren't for this, chocolate
would have been historically much more common.
Diver of Chiltonfoliat 1932 -- the first "liver" Labrador registered with AKC (altho there may have been chocolates previously registered with the Field Dog Stud Book). Heavily linebred from Borrisdemain. But considering his pedigree, it's uncertain whether he was actually chocolate, or dark liver-red (very dark yellow). Does anyone have a definitive photograph of this dog?
Kennoway's Fudge 1940 brown dog by Jericho Paul ex Kennoway's Frolic, and Kennoway's Miss Fussit 1939 brown bitch, by Jericho Paul ex Kennoway's Flirt (full sister to Kennoway's Frolic) were the first American-bred chocolates recorded by AKC. A close linebreeding on FTC Banchory Night Light.
Toyon Tawny ex Toyon Tiptoe 1942 -- recorded puppies are one black, one yellow, one brown. Bred in California. A close linebreeding on Argus Leader.
Sapper's Dechutes Kim 1943 -- recorded as "brown". Only pup registered from this litter.
Can CH Lochar Pirate ex Chevrier's Flash 1946 -- 2 black, 3 yellow, 3 brown. Chocolate gene probably traces through Lochar Nell (sister to Withington Mick) on the sire's side, and via Argus Leader et al. to Borrisdemain behind the dam.
Ann's Two for Tee 1947 -- brown, with 5 black littermates including Coffee of Bohland Hill***
More coming soon -- many will surprise you!
Colours other than black, yellow, or chocolate (and their legitimate variations) have been in the breed since the beginning. In the days when AKC allowed a descriptive colour (including markings if any), these were recorded accurately in the stud books, as were the many shades of yellow. Unfortunately AKC now records only the prescribed "black, yellow, or chocolate" as colour descriptions whether or not this accurately reflects the dog's colour (and markings if any), so this information is completely lost for modern Labradors.
Most recorded cases of tan markings trace back to the same few dogs, either through early Knaith breeding to Nawton Brownie P (black with brown markings) or via Poppleton breeding to Borrisdemain (Yc). The ultimate common factor here appears to be Munden Sentry. Interestingly, I believe this dog is also the primary ultimate source of the chocolate gene in most bloodlines (he is linebred from Buccleugh Avon who was reputed to have sired some liver-coloured puppies).
Black Duke -- "black, brown & white markings". Two littermates recorded as "golden".
Beauty of Woldgate and Christina of Woldgate -- "black, brown markings". Six solid black littermates.
Woldgate Bill and Woldgate Bud -- "black & brown". Eight solid black littermates. Same dam as the above Woldgate dogs, bred to her full brother.
Gay's Playing Possum -- "black, tan markings". Littermates recorded as one black, two golden.
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