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Pedigrees: QuickList
in mostly alphabetical order, with litters at the end.  [photo]  indicates a photo accompanies the pedigree.

Ann's Two for Tea (early chocolate)
Coffee of Bohland Hill***

Argus Leader
CH Kolaneka Mazda 2nd yellow American Champion

Beauty of Woldgate
Christina of Woldgate

Black Duke

Carl of Boghurst

Caumsett Buddy first American-bred yellow recorded by AKC

FTC Chevrier's Golden Rod

CH Chevrier's Lion 4th yellow American Champion

55 NFC-AFTC-CFTC Cork of Oakwood Lane

CFTC Cutbank Bobolink

Dual CH-AFTC Dela-Winn's Tar of Craignook

FC-AFC Dusty's Dingo Duke   [photo]

Diver of Chiltonfoliat first recorded "liver" (chocolate) Labrador

Eli's A Comin'***   ([photo] of Eli's daughter, Longplain Rowdy Bunch CD)
FC Ju Ju Jives
FC-AFC Kalispa's Ee-Kwie

Barnaby of Bryn
Beaver of Bryn

Gay's Playing Possum

Gingerbeer (6 generations)

Goldie of Goldie Land***

FTC Honey Chile Trixie first yellow Field CH bitch in America

Itasca Blaze

Itasca Sandy

CH-AFC Jason of the Golden Fleece II   [photo]

Kennoway's Fudge the first American-bred chocolates recorded by AKC
Kennoway's Miss Fussit

FC Keno Ten Spot  [photo] (pictures of Keno and his pups out of Longplain Moonrust, litter sister to Longplain Suntar)

Kingdale's Belle

Kinclaven Lowesby

CH Land O'Lakes Sunburst***

Dual CH Little Miss Timber
FTC Cindie of Salomenson
Sunny of Southview

Longplain Alecto  [photo]
Longplain Avis
Longplain Bellerophon  [photo]
Longplain Caraid
Longplain Cavus  [photo]
Longplain Chimera In Argent  [photo]
Longplain Corvus  [photo]
Longplain Crispin Magus
  and his brother Longplain Saltus  [photo]
Longplain Devecta  [photo]
Longplain Double Barrel  [photo]
Longplain Double Hutch  [photo]
Longplain Erra  [photo]
Longplain Event Horizon
Longplain Faro  [photo]
Longplain Favonia  [photo]
Longplain Golden Bubbles  [photo]
Longplain Gryphon In Brass  [photo]
Longplain High Climb
Longplain Hyperion  [photo]
Longplain Illusion
Longplain Irrelevant WC  [photo]
Longplain Kanake  [photo]
Longplain Karoly  [photo]
Longplain Korone  [photo]
Longplain Kouzlo  [photo]
Longplain Last Watch  [photo]
Longplain Mirage  [photo]
Longplain Moonrust  [photo]
  pedigree  [photo]
Longplain Nimrod  [photo]
Longplain Nitida
Longplain Nocturne  [photo]
Longplain Over and Under  [photo]
Longplain Pegasus   [photo]
  and his brother Longplain Bellerophon
Longplain Radar Sweep   [photo]
Longplain Saltus  [photo]
Longplain Sea Raider  [photo]
Longplain Second Sight  [photo]
Longplain Shadow Magic
Longplain Shadow Pirate
Longplain Sidewinder  [photo]
Longplain Sinapi  [photo]
Longplain Smoke Ball  [photo]
Longplain Solis Orta  [photo]
Longplain Solista  [photo]
Longplain Starboard Wine
Longplain Stars In My Pocket JH  [photo]
Longplain Stormlight  [photo]
Longplain Stormwrack  [photo]
Longplain Sunfire   [photo]
Longplain Sunstorm  [photo]
Longplain Suntar   [photo]
  and his sister Longplain Moonrust
Longplain Szarabajka
Longplain Tiger Bright   [photo]
  and his sister Longplain Starboard Wine
Longplain's Tushai of Range   [photo]
Longplain Ventura  [photo]
Longplain Vortex  [photo]
Longplain Z-Sting   [photo]

Lorrenden Lulu Duke
Lorrenden Beauty

Dual CH Michael of  Glenmere

FTC Ming first yellow American Field CH
and his sister Betty Brown

CH M'Lord Mertland first yellow show Champion in the U.S.

FC Mueller's Stormy Canada   [photo]

FC-AFC Rascal's Double Trouble  [photo]


FTC Sand Gold Terry second yellow American Field CH

CH Sandylands Golden Harvester 3rd yellow show CH in America

Sapper's Dechutes Kim (an early chocolate)

Satan III***

CH Scarborough Shenka (6 generations)

FTC Sir Jock 3rd yellow American Field CH

Suffolk Barney At Sandbar WC JH   [photo]

CH Tawny Moor
CH Beau of Humboldt

Texas Ranger Sage  [photo]

Timber Tick CD

Virginia Vennie first identifiable Labrador in the AKC stud books
Virginia Myra second identifiable Labrador in the AKC stud books

Woldgate Bill (early examples of black with brown markings)
Woldgate Bud

Can CH Lochar Pirate ex Chevrier's Flash

Toyon Tawny ex Toyon Tiptoe

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Longplain Kennels, Reg'd
Old-fashioned classic Labs since 1969
Ky Moffet

E-mail: Longplain Kennels Reg'd

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updated 2.7.00

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